It's LIVE!
Meet Documents by Readdle app that supports iPhone! The universal version of Documents is now available on the AppStore .
Back in January we released the iPad version, that got more than 1 million users in such a short period. Apple featured it as "Editor's Choice" in more than 70 countries. Moreover, this is the only productivity app in top 50 that has full 5 star rating.
So what's Documents by Readdle? This is the best free application to view documents, play media and access your files anywhere, anytime.
Thousands of our customers were asking for the iPhone version, and here it comes. We want people to manage, store and access their files from various cloud services on the go. People should have access to their documents anywhere, anytime. Documents syncs perfectly with Dropbox, Box, iCloud and any other Web Dav server.

The app allows to:
- store and view all the common file formats
- sync with cloud services (Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, any Web Dav, iCloud)
- browse and download files from the Web via built-in browser

Readdle is known for making applications with the best user experience. The iPhone version of Documents continues this tradition in creating remarkable interface and powerful features.
So go ahead, download it from the AppStore . Copy your files in there and start using it.
We'll be glad to hear your feedback in comments below.
By the way, watch this video of Documents for iPad in action:
Readdle Team.