Scanner Pro for iOS adds real-time border detection

May 21, 2013

Today Readdle introduced Scanner Pro 4.5, its popular scanning application, that turns iPhone and iPad into a portable scanner. The new version brings real-time page detection to scan documents in a snap.

Over 4 years ago Readdle released Scanner Pro - #1 scanning application on the platform that redefined what portable scanner really is. More than 10 millions of documents, notes and receipts were digitized with Scanner Pro, helping smartphone document scanning to go mainstream.

The new version of Scanner Pro makes scanning papers faster, easier and more accurate. Scanner Pro 4.5 visually detects document borders as user scan it, entirely in real time. This lets user easily choose the best iPhone position to make a scan and get perfect results without any manual adjustments.

"Anyone who downloads Scanner Pro immediately understands why specialized application is way better than using iPhone or iPad camera." says Alex Tyagulsky, Readdle CMO. "Scanner Pro continues to define what mobile scanning is. This update brings live page detection to streamline scanning and we are already working on even more intelligent technology for the upcoming releases."

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