

Readdle 的应用程序如何帮助学生和教育工作者度过流行病肆虐的学年

新学年的开始是学生生活中令人无比兴奋的一部分。 新学年的开始是学生生活中令人无比兴奋的一部分。 他们花了大量的时间为接下来的几个月做好准备。 学生们还花费大量精力研究如何为新学年寻找一套最佳的工具和服务,如帮助学生管理课程表的应用程序、帮助学生更好地学习的应用程序,以及帮助学生为新学年做准备的应用程序。

COVID-19 大流行给 2020 年的工作带来了更多困难,因为人们对今年的学校复课充满了恐惧和不确定性。 虽然有些学校宣布只在网上上课,但也有一些学校向学生敞开了教室大门,一些学校的走廊里已经挤满了学生。


在本指南中,请允许我们向您介绍我们的朋友约翰·欧文斯(John Owens),他是一位真诚而有抱负的学生,即将在 9 月份开始他的新学年。 今年是约翰在学校的第二年,在过去的几周里,他一直非常兴奋,四处奔波,为即将到来的重要一年做准备。 他使用 iPhone 有好几年了,刚刚购买了一台 MacBook Pro,以便在学校里帮助他。 上一学年的经验非常宝贵,让约翰学到了很多新东西。

[by from Freepik]

今年,约翰将和全球数百万其他学生一样,花大量时间在家学习。 以下是一些帮助学生在家学习的小贴士,可以帮助他们更好地集中注意力。 我们已经在最近的一篇文章中详细介绍了所有这些内容,因此您也应该阅读一下。

  1. 设置一张专用学习桌,让您每天都能坐下来学习。 确保桌面上没有多余的学习材料,并在每次上课前花一些时间清理和整理桌面。
  2. 为了在网上上课时坐在电脑前不觉得累,给自己准备一把舒适的且符合人体工学椅。 还要确保电脑屏幕与眼睛水平,以免颈部受力。 使用笔记本电脑时尤其如此,因为笔记本电脑会迫使您向下看屏幕。 您可以在笔记本电脑下面放一堆书,让它与您的视线平齐。
  3. 避免分心。 与家人沟通,告知他们您的学习时间。 如果您有宠物,请让家人照顾它们。 关闭手机或启用“勿扰模式”。
  4. 计划好一天的学习时间。 有很多优秀的应用程序可以帮助您管理时间和安排日程Calendars by Readdle 是一款适用于 iPhone 和 iPad 的奇妙计划应用程序,可在 App Store 免费下载。 借助 Calendars日历,您可以轻松计划每天的日程,还可以与他人共享日历。
  5. 课间定时休息,多走动走动。
  6. 尝试使用正念应用程序每天冥想一会儿。

Readdle,我们为 iOS 和 macOS 提供了一系列令人难以置信的应用程序,帮助我们的用户利用技术节省时间并提高工作效率。 我们的所有应用程序都设计得快速、优雅、易于使用,并能出色地为您完成工作。 因此,它们是学生和教育工作者在这一持续致命的流行病期间度过学年的最佳伴侣。

让我们详细了解一下学生、教师和其他教育工作者如何在本学年将 Readdle 应用程序用于各种用途和目的。

从在线图书馆阅读教科书和 PDF 文件

[by @macrovector from Freepik]

In any given academic year, students have to read a lot of textbooks. It was common to see students carrying around big, thick textbooks a few years ago and it absolutely isn't fun lugging around that much weight around. Thankfully, there are digital versions of textbooks available today, weighing in at just a few KBs or MBs, that students can carry around on their smartphones or tablets. Due to the pandemic, many schools and colleges have opened up access to online libraries so that students can download textbooks and study from home. 几年前,学生们背着又大又厚的教科书是很常见的事,但背着这么重的东西绝对不是件好玩的事。 值得庆幸的是,如今有了电子版教科书,大小只有几 KB 或几 MB,学生可以随身携带智能手机或平板电脑。 由于大流行病的影响,许多学校和学院都开放了网上图书馆,学生可以下载教科书,在家学习。

我们的朋友约翰随身携带的所有教科书都装在一个名为 PDF 点睛的应用程序中。 PDF 点睛适用于 Mac 和 iOS,是 Readdle 功能强大、稳健且功能丰富的 PDF 编辑器应用程序。 PDF 点睛为学生提供了管理、阅读、编辑、批注和随时导出 PDF 的完整体验。 它是约翰工具包中最重要的应用程序之一。 PDF 点睛的功能如下:

存储教科书的 PDF 点睛:

Using PDF Expert, John stores multiple PDF textbooks and neatly organizes them into folders just the way he wants. It is effortless to add and store PDFs in PDF Expert, and with its robust search capabilities, John finds precisely what he is looking for. The app lets you search not just in the file names, but also in the file content. 借助 PDF 点睛,约翰可以存储多本 PDF 教科书,并按照自己的要求将它们整齐地整理到文件夹中。 该 App 不仅可以搜索文件名,还可以搜索文件内容。

Reading & Annotating PDF Textbooks in PDF Expert:

John hates the reading off of the bright Retina screen of his iPad, so he has customized how PDF Expert displays PDFs for reading. Because a majority of John's reading is for his textbooks, John prefers using the Sepia theme in PDF Expert during the day, and the Night theme when he's back at the dorm room studying in the after hours. These Sepia and Night themes in PDF Expert allow the reader to avoid straining their eyes by making it easier to read the content of PDFs. 由于约翰的大部分阅读内容都是教科书,因此他更喜欢白天在 PDF 点睛中使用 "纸质" 主题,而下班后回到寝室学习时则使用 "夜间" 主题。 这些 PDF 点睛中的纸质和夜间主题可让读者更轻松地阅读 PDF 内容,从而避免眼睛疲劳。 

约翰知道,使用数字教科书的优势在 PDF 点睛中得到了最好的体验。 John knows that the advantage of using digital textbooks is best experienced in PDF Expert. While reading a textbook in PDF Expert, John quickly annotates using the available tools (such as highlight markers) and quickly takes notes directly on the content.

该应用程序在他的 iPhone 和 Mac 上都能很好地运行,并能自动同步设备上的内容。 The app works great on both his iPhone and Mac, and automatically syncs his content across the devices. All the annotations that he adds in PDF Expert are non-destructive, so he can save these annotations separately or flatten the file if he needs to.

PDF Expert also integrates seamlessly with Readdle's Documents — the digital hub for all your files on your iPhone and iPad. John uses Documents app to have better control over the files stored on his iPhone. And since Documents also integrates with online storage services, he can easily access all the scanned copies of books that he auto-uploaded to his iCloud and Google Drive account and open them directly here in PDF Expert for annotating and taking notes. 他在 PDF 点睛中添加的所有注释都是非破坏性的,因此他可以单独保存这些批注,或在需要时将文件压平。 由于 Documents 还集成了在线存储服务,他可以轻松访问自动上传到 iCloud 和 谷歌云端硬盘账号的所有书籍扫描件,并直接在 PDF 点睛中打开这些扫描件,进行批注和做笔记。

Download Now:

PDF Expert for Mac →
PDF Expert for iOS →

Education Discount:

We also offer a cool 50% OFF discount on PDF Expert for Mac, which you can claim here.

Scheduling Online Classes and Remembering Due Dates for Homework

[by @freepik]

As the pandemic has forced everyone at home, schools have switched to conducting online classes using web meeting softwares and services like Zoom, Google Meet, etc. 

Just like thousands of students, John has to attend classes and learn everything that's being taught through these online classes. But John being John, he has a lot of activities happening through the day that keep him busy and occupied. Apart from attending his classes, John also takes an online coding course to hone his programming skills and also attends an additional foreign-language class online. 但约翰就是约翰,他每天都有很多活动,让他忙得不可开交。 除了上课,约翰还参加了一个在线编码课程,以磨练自己的编程技能,同时还参加了一门额外的在线外语课。

John keeps his schedule in check by using Calendars by Readdle — Readdle's phenomenal calendar and planner app. He adds a schedule of all his classes in the app, so that he's reminded about what the plan for the day is every morning and he can pack accordingly. John makes use of the delightful natural language input feature in Calendars, so that he can simply type things like "Physics class every Monday at 10" and quickly add an event in an instant. By adding his entire schedule for the week in Calendars app, he is able to glance at the entire week's plan together on a single screen. 他在应用程序中添加了所有课程的时间表,这样他每天早上都会被提醒一天的计划是什么,从而可以有针对性地收拾行李。 约翰利用日历中令人愉悦的自然语言输入功能,只需输入 "每周一 10 点物理课" 之类的内容,就能在瞬间快速添加事项。 通过在 Calendars App 中添加一周的整个日程安排,他可以在一个屏幕上一览一周的计划。

对于共同任务,如作业和家庭作业,约翰会邀请他的小组成员,这样他们也可以跟踪作业即将到期的日期。 For shared tasks, such as assignments and homework, John invites his group members so they too can keep track of upcoming due dates for the assignment. Since Calendars works with accounts from different calendar providers, John can use the same account in Spark for Teams, which also supports a built-in Calendar. Any action that John has to relate to email, he can do within the same app. 任何与邮件有关的操作,约翰都可以在同一款应用程序中完成。

Calendars by Readdle is an incredible tool in the Readdle toolset and it works great with the other apps too.

Communicating with Classmates and Assignment Groupmates

[by @widokobagoes from Freepik]

尽管有越来越多的 App 和服务让您与家人、朋友、同伴和同学沟通,但多年来,邮件仍然是一种强大、稳健、可靠和独立的沟通方式。 您可以在任何地方使用任何邮件客户端访问它。 因此,许多学校、学院和大学仍然喜欢把邮件作为唯一的官方渠道也就不足为奇了。 事实上,许多大学甚至提供邮件地址供学生使用。 以下是我们的朋友约翰如何使用 Spark 邮箱 App 及其令人难以置信的功能阵容来帮助他完成作业。

 约翰刚刚和其他四个人被分到一起,在接下来的几周里完成一个班级项目。 这是一个面向公众的项目,需要联系几十家企业进行简短调查,并汇总每家企业的反馈意见。 每个小组成员都被分配了不同的任务,需要完成不同的研究。 John has just been grouped with four others to work on a class project over the next few weeks. This is a public-facing project and involves reaching out to a few dozen businesses for a brief survey and consolidating feedback from each of the businesses. Each of the group members has been assigned different tasks to complete, and different research to carry out. For such a project, John knows that communication is ‘key' and hence, John recommends that his group members start using the Spark mail app.

Spark 是 Readdle 功能丰富的邮件客户端,为团队通信提供了非常出色的功能。 Spark is Readdle's feature-rich email client that has exceptionally-awesome features for Team communications. Available for the Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Android devices (and coming soon to Windows), Spark offers the best email experience on your personal devices.

John creates a team in Spark and invites his group members to it, using the university provided email address. Now, when John and his group receive an assignment related email, they can share the email thread directly with other members of the group without having to manually forward it to them and create unnecessary copies. The group members can also internally comment on the responses received from the businesses before responding. 现在,当约翰和他的小组收到与任务相关的邮件时,他们可以直接与小组的其他成员共享邮件线程,而不必手动转发给他们,也不必创建不必要的副本。 小组成员还可以在答复前对企业的答复进行内部评论。

约翰刚刚收到老师的一封邮件,说她需要在 "下周三" 之前收到作业情况报告。 John has just received an email from his teacher that she needs a status report of the assignment by "Wednesday next week." Since Wednesday is still nine days away, John doesn't have to worry about this email yet, and so John just uses the ‘Snooze' feature of Spark to temporarily ignore the email, but be reminded about it on Monday evening at 8 PM. This lets John focus on more important things in the meantime. 这让约翰在此期间可以专注于更重要的事情。

在完成任务的过程中,约翰和他的团队每天都会通过视频会议电话,评估工作进度。 这有助于他们了解是否有人遇到困难并需要帮助,同时也为更好的合作打开了大门。 由于约翰已经在手机上使用了 Calendars,因此他可以直接安排这些电话和他们选择的时间。 While working on the assignment, John and his group sit through daily video meeting calls and take stock of the progress. This helps them see if anyone is stuck and needs help, and also opens the door to better collaboration. Since John already uses Calendars on his phone, he can directly schedule these calls and the time of their choosing. Calendars integrates seamlessly with popular video meeting services like Zoom and GoToMeeting, which automatically creates a conference call whenever you schedule a meeting event. This feature is also available in Spark Mail app. Spark 邮箱 App 也具有此功能。

现在是周二,小组必须向老师发送情况报告。 为此,约翰在 Spark 中新建了共享草稿,并邀请小组成员对其进行协作。 这样,小组成员就可以集体撰写情况报告,每个人都可以在同一封邮件中添加意见,而不是全部单独发送邮件给教师。

Spark also works great with the other Readdle apps that John uses, so you can open a PDF attachment from your email directly in PDF Expert, edit or annotate it and send it off in a single, seamless flow. When John and his team receive an attachment via email that they want to save, they can save the attachment directly to Documents. 当约翰和他的团队通过邮件收到要保存的附件时,他们可以直接将附件保存到 Documents 中。

Spark for Teams works just as well for small groups and is an incredibly robust tool for students and educators.

Getting Instant Feedback on Assignments

经过连续两周的努力,约翰和他的小组现在已经向老师提交了作业。 就像发送状态报告一样,在向她发送任务邮件时,小组成员在 Spark 邮箱应用程序中对共享草稿进行了协作,其中包括小组在两周课程中进行的所有调查的 PDF 摘要。 约翰很聪明,因此该小组选择以 PDF 格式而不是 Word 文档的形式发送摘要,这样老师就能以与该小组完全相同的方式查看他们的工作。

当然,约翰并不是学校里唯一的机灵鬼。 Of course, John isn't the only hero in the school. John's teacher is also a modern educator and understands the value of productivity that Readdle's apps provide.

The Teacher is using Spark mail app on her iPad Pro and when she received the notification from the group, she immediately launched Spark to view the assignment. Now, Spark mail app will open the PDF attachment directly for viewing, so that the teacher can easily go through it right on her iPad, without worrying about which app to open it in. 现在,Spark 邮箱应用程序会直接打开 PDF 附件进行查看,这样教师就可以在 iPad 上轻松浏览,而不必担心在哪个应用程序中打开。

但是,教师必须对作业进行评分,并向学生提供反馈。 However, the teacher has to grade the assignment and give feedback to the students. So with a single tap, she opens the attachment in PDF Expert, so that she can annotate on the file using her Apple Pencil. She writes a note, adds the marks to it, leaves a comment, adds her signature, and again with a single tap, the file is attached as a reply to the original email. 她写下备注,添加标记,留下评论,添加签名,同样只需轻轻一点,文件就会作为附件附在原始邮件的回复中。

This seamless integration between PDF Expert and Spark Mail app is one of the many productivity boosters you can enjoy when you start using Readdle's apps for the upcoming school year.

All of Readdle's apps have been updated and are now ready for the school year. Go ahead, download all of them using the links below and get ready for your school year like never before. And let us know in the comments what's your favorite use-case of using Readdle's apps. 请使用下面的链接下载所有文件,为新学年做好前所未有的准备。 请在评论中告诉我们您最喜欢使用 Readdle 应用程序的案例。

Download Readdle Apps:

Here's a list of all the Readdle's apps, so you can download them and prepare yourself for this academic year.

  • Spark → Mail App with team features to help you collaborate & share
  • PDF Expert → PDF Reader and Editor to help you study textbooks with all the tools you need
  • Calendars 5 → Calendar & Planner for iOS to schedule your classes and organize your day
  • Documents → Central hub for all your files on iPhone and iPad
  • Scanner Pro → Scan Documents Just by Taking a Photo

And don't forget to claim the 50% off Education Discount on PDF Expert for Mac.

The Readdle Team The Readdle Team

PDF Expert

PDF 工具满足您所需

轻松编辑、批注、签名和整理 PDF。轻松完成任何任务!


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