We're on the journey of creating the best PDF editing app for Mac , and today, yet another nifty update adds even more power and functionality to your Mac version of PDF Expert.
Enjoy a free update that adds a Split View, PDF Creation , a better Full Screen mode and improved controls.
You can download it here
Or if you don't have it yet, get a Free Trial
from our website.
PDF Expert is not just an app, or a PDF editor — we are helping millions of lawyers, real estate agents, students and working moms around the globe to accomplish more, so they can spend more time with the loved ones.
Today we are very excited to introduce PDF Expert for Mac 1.4.1 update ! Let's jump right into details.
Split View
You can work with 2 different parts of the same file. It's a great way to review contracts, or work with the documentation file that you have to review and compare details in.
To activate it open "View" tab and select "Split View" in drop down menu.

Create PDFs
You can now create new PDF files pasting your Clipboard content. For example, you can select some PDF content in Preview on insert it in PDF Expert as a new PDF. Note, that you should copy PDF data to your Clipboard. One more step towards easier content creation.

Better Full Screen Mode
Enjoy working with PDFs in full screen mode on your Mac. We've optimized how the app works in full screen, so you can take advantage of every pixel and see how we carefully designed the whole product to give you the best experience.

Highlight colors
Now you can select Highlight colors from the context menu.

The best motivation for us is your feedback that we read on Twitter, support emails or in the comments on the App Store! Yes, it drives us and makes us tireless.
Very soon we'll introduce PDF Expert for Mac 2.0 that will let you edit PDF text and images. So stay tuned!
Win one of 20 redeem codes ($60 each) to get PDF Expert for Mac or give it to your loved ones :)
How to participate?
1) Share this article on Facebook or Twitter.
2) Follow @Readdle on Twitter (so we can drop you a direct message with the promo codes)
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We'll randomly choose 20 lucky winners tomorrow and give away the codes.
Thank you! Would love to hear you feedback.
For those who like to create their own destiny and take what they want — get a free trial today at pdfexpert.com