As you're all well aware, Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference, or WWDC, is just around the corner, and the hype machine is rumbling away.

Starting June 13 and running until June 17, this huge event is a showcase for all new and exciting things happening in the Apple world. So far we've had rumors of an Apple Music relaunch, new Macbook Pro's, and a first look at iOS 10 . But with nothing yet confirmed, it's still all a bit of a mystery.
Meet Readdle team at WWDC!
Our expertise in making great products for millions of people should have its competitive edge and innovations, that is why we just can't miss this event. So, our team has packed up its stuff and headed to San Francisco.

Readdle team will have some productive days at the WWDC and parties/ meetups around it!
The WWDC parties we will attend:
- SFMacIndie
- RelayCon
- Beard Bash
- 1Password
- Talk Show
- Apple's App event
- Macworld
- MacRumors

In other words, we can easily answer any question you might have, share our own experiences and give any comments. If you are around and would love to meet, don't hesitate to drop us a few lines ;)
We are looking for:
- New Partnerships (for iOS and Mac products, cross promos and integrations)
- Press — so we can share our experience and comments about the news.
- Product people — so we can talk about Spark 2.0, future of the App Store, AI and personal assistants.
You can reach out to us directly via Twitter : @denzhadanov , @Readdle , @Sparkmailapp or just email us directly at .
See you at WWDC 2016!