

The very first PDF Expert for Mac update is here! (ReTweet to win 15 promo codes)

Last month our first app for Mac app PDF Expert was born. As you might know, Readdle team is determined to work hard to make it the best PDF editor on the platform.

We've just released a great update that will make your experience way better. Moreover, we are giving away 15 promo codes for PDF Expert for Mac ($20 value each).


The new version of PDF Expert is faster and much more powerful. Now you can:

Open the document on the same page you've left it.

Continue working with the same PDFs after you quit and relaunch the app! PDF Expert remembers on what page you've closed your document and will open it on the very same page.

Rename or save PDFs right from the Tab menu.

Do you want to save or rename a PDF? Now you can do it by tapping on its name right in the Tab.


Rotate pages without activating Page Management menu.

Page management menu provides you a number of great settings, such as Extract, Copy or Share pages. If you just want to rotate a page — tap "Edit" and select "Rotate" in drop-down menu.


Send flattened copies of PDFs by email.

We've received numerous inquiries from you about flattened copies. You ask — we deliver! Remember that rule? :) Now you can share your PDFs with protected annotations.

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Use the new keyboard shortcuts.

To rotate pages simply press Cmd+L or Cmd+R . You can also highlight selected text using Cmd+Ctrl+H or set 100% page size by tapping Cmd+0 .

We are going to make PDF Expert even better, so more features are coming soon. (OCR, Text editing and more).

Download the latest version from the Mac app Store or from our web site where you can get a free trial for 7 days.

We want to hear what you think about our products and how we can make them better, so you feedback is much appreciated.

Oh, wait ….Since the holiday season has already started, we have a present for you guys!

Giving away 15 Promo Codes!

1) Share this post on Twitter

2) Follow @Readdle

3) Win one of 15 codes for PDF Expert for Mac!

We'll select 15 winners and DM you the codes at the end of this week.

Good luck :)

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