

Unlock the digital potential of your library with Scanner Pro

Imagine sitting in a cozy library, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books, flipping through the pages of your favorite novel. Now, imagine having that entire library at your fingertips, accessible anytime and anywhere. This is the magic of Scanner Pro. 

For centuries, the printed word has captivated scholars and readers alike, fostering learning, discovery, and creativity. Today, modern technology offers us new ways to access, preserve, and interact with this wealth of information. With tools like Scanner Pro, we can easily digitize our favorite books and research materials, ensuring they remain accessible and organized for years to come.

Why digital libraries matter

Physical books and documents can be damaged or lost, but digital formats protect their content for future generations, especially valuable texts. Digitization also makes materials searchable, shareable, and accessible from anywhere, benefiting students, researchers, and writers, and democratizing access to knowledge globally. 

“Libraries were full of ideas – perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons,” wrote Sarah J. Maas in Throne of Glass. The knowledge has a power to build and destroy; for not the lessons of history to be lost, as libraries and individuals alike strive to preserve and organize the wealth of knowledge contained in books. Thus, libraries, once filled with towering shelves of books, are now investing in digital archives. Projects like Google Books aim to digitize millions of titles, with over 40 million scanned books as of October 2019 according to Wikipedia.

The Magic of preservation

Throughout history, great thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Jefferson were known for their love of books. Imagine if they had digital tools to organize and access their notes. All honestly, there is something inherently romantic about the idea of our words and thoughts being preserved in the digital cloud, ensuring they are accessible and enduring at the touch of a button. As Carl Sagan eloquently put it, “Books break the shackles of time, proof that humans can work magic.” 

Today, technology allows us to manage such vast collections more efficiently. Scholars like Thomas Jefferson and modern intellectuals like Bill Gates have demonstrated a profound love for reading and accumulating knowledge. Jefferson, for instance, famously remarked, “I cannot live without books.” His extensive library was a testament to his dedication to learning. 

A new era of learning

The way we work with information has changed dramatically. Students, researchers, and writers now rely on digital tools to keep their written works organized and accessible. This shift has made learning and discovery more dynamic and interconnected. As TED Talk speaker and digital innovation expert Kenneth Cukier said, "Big data is transforming how we live and work. 

Digitizing books and research materials has become essential in our fast-paced, technology-driven world. Scanning helps preserve valuable information, making it easily accessible and searchable. This shift is not just about convenience; it’s about safeguarding knowledge for future generations. Digital archives ensure that rare and fragile texts are not lost to time and provide researchers with the tools to work more efficiently.

A tool for researchers

For those working on advanced degrees or conducting detailed research, organizing and referencing material is crucial. Scanner Pro is an invaluable tool for researchers needing to archive books or specific pages. By digitizing your research materials, you can create a comprehensive, searchable library. This not only saves physical space but also streamlines the research process, making it easier to compile and cross-reference information.

How to archive with Scanner Pro

Archiving books or paper pages with Scanner Pro is straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Install Scanner Pro: Download the app from the App Store and install it on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Start scanning: Open the app and use your device’s camera to scan the book pages. Scanner Pro’s advanced OCR technology will recognize and extract text, making it easy to create digital copies.
  3. Organize your digital library: Save your scanned pages in organized folders. You can categorize them by book, topic, or any system that works best for you. This organization helps in quickly finding the material you need when you need it.
  4. Access anytime, anywhere: With your books digitized, you can access your favorite excerpts and research materials from any device, anytime and anywhere.

Digitizing your books not only makes them more accessible but also enhances your overall reading and studying experience. You can highlight text, add notes, and even share scanned pages with fellow bookworms or research colleagues. Scanner Pro turns your iPhone or iPad into a portable library, ensuring that your valuable information is always within reach.


Preserving and accessing written knowledge has never been easier. Scanner Pro helps you build a personal digital library, ensuring that your cherished books and research are always within reach. Unlock the digital potential of your library with Scanner Pro and join the movement towards a more organized and accessible way of managing information. Download Scanner Pro today and transform your reading experience.

Vita Vypovska Vita Vypovska

Scanner Pro

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