If you travel frequently, have a limited data plan, or travel to regions with spotty network coverage, you should learn how to save audio files on your iPhone and iPad. Audio content, such as podcasts, lectures, talks, presentations, etc., make excellent companions on long journeys and don’t require you to constantly stare at the screen. They are also a great way to keep yourself entertained, even while you're offline. You can save any type of audio content on your iPhone and iPad and save yourself the hassle of worrying about internet data limits or network coverage.

This is precisely why you should download our free Documents app. Besides being a powerful file manager for iOS, Documents works great as an audio content downloader for iPhone. Its built-in browser allows you to save songs, videos, books, documents, and literally anything from the web.

How to download and save files on iPhone and iPad

Get Documents for Free from the App Store and let us learn everything you need to know about saving audio files on iOS and iPadOS devices.

Where do audio files save on iPhone

By default, audio files are saved in the available iPhone storage, denoted as “On My iPhone” in the Files app. Any audio file you download using Safari or other third-party browsers will be available via the Files app. To access these files, you can launch the Files app, tap on the ‘Browse’ tab at the bottom, then select the ‘On My iPhone’ option.

Using Documents, you can choose where and by what name the file is saved on your device. The app even allows you to upload files to your cloud storage accounts, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. The ease with which Documents makes saving and organizing files on your iPhone and iPad is unmatched by any other app.

If you haven’t already, get Documents for Free from the App Store.

How to save an audio file on iPhone

Here’s how easy it is to save an audio file on iPhone and iPad using the Documents app by Readdle.

  1. Download Documents from the App Store and launch the app.
  2. Tap the Browser icon at the bottom right to open the built-in browser in Documents.
How to access browser on iPhone and iPad
  1. Navigate to the website or URL where you want to download the audio file.
  2. Tap the download link or button to begin file download.
  3. Documents will ask you to choose a file name and the download location. If the default file name and location look fine, tap Done.
  4. You can track the download progress, and once completed, your file will be available in the Downloads folder in Documents.
  1. You can share, move, organize the file or tap on it to open it from here. Documents natively supports various audio file types, so you don’t have to depend on any third-party audio apps.

Now that you’ve learned how to save audio files on iPhone, let’s put your theory into practice. Get Documents for Free from the App Store and try downloading and saving the latest episode of your favorite podcast.

How to find an audio file saved on iPhone

If you can’t remember where you saved an audio file a few days ago, don’t worry. Searching for an audio file on your iPhone and iPad is easier than you think. All you need is — you’re right — the Documents app by Readdle. Here’s how to find an audio file on iPhone and iPad.

  1. Download Documents from the App Store and launch the app.
  2. Tap on the Search field at the top and type in a few characters of the file name you remember. If you don’t see the Search field, swipe down slightly to reveal it.
  3. Using the filter bar above the keyboard, narrow the search to the ‘Audio’ file type.
  4. Documents will quickly locate your file on your iPhone or iPad.

There are many reasons why you should download Documents by Readdle — it is a fantastic app that works as an all-in-one solution and will quickly become the home for all files on your iPhone and iPad.

Get Documents


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