Have you found a web page you desperately want to save, mark up, or share with your colleagues? With our free Documents app, it's pretty straightforward to save a webpage as PDF on iPhone and iPad. Then, you can easily annotate this file, share, and sync it with a cloud.

How to save a web page on iPhone and iPad:

  1. Download Documents for free and launch it.
  2. On iPhone, tap the compass icon at the bottom right to open the built-in browser. On iPad, tap Browser on the sidebar.
  3. Navigate to the webpage you want to save.
  4. Tap … More at the top right.
  5. Select Save as PDF.
  6. Decide where to download the file. By default, Documents saves it in the Downloads folder.
How to Save Webpage on iPhone and iPad

Would you like to save a web page in formats other than PDF? Just tap Save Page and pick the desired format. Besides PDF, you can download a web page as an HTML file or Web Archive.

Once you have saved a web page, Documents presents you with a wide range of options: You can annotate a PDF, compress it, sync with a cloud, or even share it with your computer.

Download Documents for free and get a central hub for all your files!


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